Monday, August 6, 2012

Make It Easy Monday 8-6-12

If you have fire ants in your area, then chances are you've been stung by them.
You're just minding your own business gardening, getting the mail, enjoying nature..then all of a sudden you feel a sharp pain. Even after you smack that sucker dead there's a constant burning pain that doesn't want to go away. 

Seriously, look at this little jerk!

The solution? Garlic powder!
Mix a bit of water into a small container of garlic powder to form a paste. Smooth the paste over the area that you have been stung and volia! The pain ceases almost instantly and the garlic powder draws out the venom. Woohoo!

Now if only we could gas them all into extinction...

1 comment:

  1. No seriously. Garlic powder.

    I think we can all remember the incident with my flip floppity fire aunt flamboozle.

    You know, when I sat in your kitchen floor like a chump because it hurt so bad?

    Gotta love garlic powder.
