1. Getting a promotion.
2. Turned Up Turquoise nail polish
3. Picnics at the lake.
4. Vintage patterns on Etsy
Picked up this dandy one at Olive Alley's shop.
5. Tea
Well I love tea all the time, but now especially since I have many a flavor stocked up. Scarlet, strawberry and of course Earl Gery. To name a few.
5. Tea
Well I love tea all the time, but now especially since I have many a flavor stocked up. Scarlet, strawberry and of course Earl Gery. To name a few.
6. Picking out gifts for my cousin who’s getting married in just 9 days! AAHHH!
7. Fresh fruit
8. Looking through old family photos.
I love seeing the clothing and cars in these pictures.
My Grandma(bottom right) with two of her sisters and mother.
My Grandma(middle) with Great Aunt Sharon(left), Great Aunt Shirley(right) and Great Uncle Robert.
My great grandparents with my Grandma and Great Aunt Sharon. They were in high school at this point.
My Great Grandma Dana Stratton.
My Great Aunt Sharon with my Great Great Grandpa Brown
9. Lush products (bath bombs in particular)
The Twilight bath bomb is my favorite thus far. It turns your bath water pink, then adds shades of blue to look like a sunset. The colors merge together to create a glittery lavender(don't worry none of the shimmer sticks to you.) It's positively delightful :)
10. Dia de los Muertos artwork
I picked this print up while in San Marcos. Devin has a bit of a fear of bones, so he's not that big of a fan. But since they're dressed so properly, he's okay with it.
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