Thursday, March 15, 2012

12/31, 13/31, 14/31, 15/31

12/31 Fork

After conjuring a bucket list the other day, I made a little map of places I've been(the best thus far has been England), and am going to make a map of places I'd like to go. You can find a link to said map under the Where I've Been tab.

 13/31 A Sign
I've been getting sign after sign that I need to return to San Marcos where I attended Texas State University. I've been downright homesick for it for months. So the second week in April, I'm going for a visit!! 

14/31 Clouds
I'm not really one for cheesy pictures of clouds, but this picture I took on a trip to Florida is an exception. If you look closely, you can see Captain Morgan. Haha. 

15/31 Car
The boy's car makes me giggle a little bit inside every time I see it. It's a Geo Metro from the early 90's I believe, and we found out it can be picked up by two men. He loves it to pieces...even if it is hard to find in the parking lot..

Well there you have it. 4 days in one. I've been incredibly bad about this photo a day thing, and do apologize. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Someone You Talked To Today

My boss Chase and his "creeper face." I'll admit this is an older picture, but I still took it. I didn't exactly feel like dragging my camera to work in the pouring rain. :/
He is one silly man, and he's single. So if there are any ladies in NE Texas that are interested let me know ;)

Saturday, March 10, 2012



 Due to their wheel, my mice Eloise(right) and Genevieve(left) are quite obnoxiously loud at night. So much for "quiet as a mouse."
I must get something to fix that squeaking..

P.S. Hope you like my lovely background I drew for them haha

Friday, March 9, 2012

7/31, 8/31, 9/31

I apologize for my tardiness. The storms along with the constant working, have prevented me from taking pictures :/ 

7/31 Something You Wore
 My Jason Wu dress that I had been looking forward to in a previous post. I got early so I could be at Target when they opened. Only to find that our Target wasn't carrying the collection, even though it was a "nationwide" collection. So I had to stalk Target's website where items slowly became available again.
When I saw how cute it was, I was so glad I went to all the trouble.
I also got an accordion pleated black skirt and a yellow sleeveless blouse.

8/31 Window
Found this at a flea market in Missouri for a pretty good deal. After I scrub it down, I plan on hanging it in the bathroom. I love love old windows.

9/31 Red
Found my old view finder. Pure joy.

Monday, March 5, 2012


A Smile

Went on an adventure with the boyfriend yesterday to the local dam. Followed by a hunt for Dreamcast games and fro yo. I love days off :)


Sunday, March 4, 2012



I put this photo off for the first few hours I was awake. Simply because I needed to clean my nightstand off. It was covered with books, whatnots, and a glass of water I had been sipping on while ogling Modcloth dresses.
Well Devin comes to sit with me and a tickle match begins. I'll admit, I started it. But when someone's ticklish everywhere and they have a crazy laugh, how can you resist?
Next thing you know, my glass of water has been knocked over and every thing is soaked. Once some towels and team building exercises have come into the picture, my nightstand is in tip top shape.
The End.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Your Neighborhood

I opted for the nicer side to the right of us. Everything to the left is a bit sketch.. It's like our house rests on the border of cute older homes and Tacky McTackerson. Thankfully our home follows along with the former.

Friday, March 2, 2012



My favorite snack, gala apples with Jif peanut butter. Yum!
"We are headed to tea."

I've always wanted to have a tea party with bunnies..

Thursday, March 1, 2012



With the weather warming up, birds(especially black birds) are everywhere! They didn't seem to want to gather in the trees as usual when I went outside. It's like they knew I wanted a picture of them..

New Challenge!

Hopefully I can pull this off and religiously get on here every day. Join me on this journey, and let's see what we can come up with. Happy snapping :)